For some reason, this came into my mind as a dream last night that I couldn't shake. Usually, my dreams are very trivial, at least from what I can recall, and carry little real value at all; simply my brain entertaining me throughout the night.
Well, last night my dream was about focusing more on the SPECIFIC words that current and former politicians have stated and thinking of them in a different context in which I have, and the majority of others probably have heard, the words spoken or printed to us. We need to read through the lines of their SPELLS. They have changed definitions intentionally, and even spellings, over the generations so that words have multiple meanings or completely whole new ones so when they are heard/read, you may not necessarily think of the definition that THEY are implying. It is their truth in plain sight that they can get away with because of this.
Look at all the money America is laundering to Ukraine, and everywhere else, hand over fists. No one in Govt seems to be stopping it and there is not even enough of the citizen population confronted the matter yet. Our economy is being destroyed. Intentionally. For the purpose of making people dependent on the very people who are selling us out.
The verse that kept coming to the forefront of my dream repeatedly last night was "diverse economy". Now, can you recall that phrase has been said a lot by politicians, on BOTH sides of the aisle over many years? "We need a diverse economy" Think about the phrase. Do you think that they mean that we need an economy that is:
1: differing from one another: UNLIKE people with diverse interests 2: composed of distinct or unlike elements or qualities a diverse population
Do you think the SPELL(ing) they are truly CASTING is:
They are LITERALLY killing our economy, and us with it. That is THEIR plan. How much of it has been a success thus far?
We need to combat their SPELLS.
Speak things or write them often enough and they come to fruition. It's like the little affirmation notes you leave yourself on the fridge. It's time to change those notes on the fridge. They've used the TV and written news sources to do just that and it's worked. We are larger in numbers and stronger. We can counter this evil. It's already begun.