My day has been unlike many I have ever had in my life. I went to bed last night after covering a ground bee hole with dirt surrounded by large stones. When I woke up, a stone was overturned (bees did not do it, nor my kids and I doubt my cat did) no logical explanation. I got to work and things have just been crazy since. It just feels really off and all I can think of is the scary large Full Moon back on Wednesday and CERN. Anyone else having a rather odd day?
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People around me complaining of being tired all the time lately. Also, the birds are acting fkn weird. They are literally diving in front of cars like some kind of a death wish. And not just one kind of bird. ALL of the birds are doing this.
Weird you mention that, cause the last couple of days as I'm sitting in my car getting ready to go into work a bird (mockingbird I think?) has landed on the back of my car for a split second and flew off again.