Full text: "___ is working 7 days a week. The refinery is fully opening back up along with many more refineries. The government is paying them to open and they want it done by august 15. So these guys are working day and night. The government is paying for it. And they are keeping it quiet. And Biden will take all the credit for lowering gas prices right before Mid terms. So grimy."
Edit, further: "But when he said they are keeping it quiet and they want it done in an impossible amount of time, I had to tell you"
This sounds like misinformation or an accounting of events from someone that is misinformed or does not understand how things work on what they are attempting to describe.
In fact almost certainly the 7 day, 24hr a week operation and completion by Aug. 15th sounds exactly like a refinery shut down or turnaround and is very typical across the country, especially for those dates. Even if this isnt the case, a refinery operating 24/7 for a week is not a reciprocating factor in affecting gas prices at the pump in such ways as being described here. simply, far too many moving parts and components and it doesnt work that way.
Misinformation, or are you under the false assumption that all refineries are running? He was laod off when Biden took officr. But here, let me help you. A simple query returns headlines like:
"Marathon permanently idles two US refineries" (Aug 2020)
"Biden Administration Seeks Restart Of Idled Oil Refineries"
"White House Eyes Restarting Idle Refineries to Tame Fuel Prices"
Misinfo from me? Or ignorance of the situation from you?
Yeah figured this would be the kind of response in return. I have worked in , key word.....IN, inside, up down in out IN, refineries for over 25 years all over the country and world. You are using headlines as "evidence" lol. Anyway. Was trying to give some info since what was in your post, isnt accurate at all.
The fact your reiterating what you just did shows where the ingorance is planted. Keep posting mis info, i don't care either way. Thought maybe someone on here might actually take information from folks that Actually know, but nah. Double down instead. Predictable.
Whats mis info? The idled refineries part or the Biden Admin asking them to be restarted?