Full text: "___ is working 7 days a week. The refinery is fully opening back up along with many more refineries. The government is paying them to open and they want it done by august 15. So these guys are working day and night. The government is paying for it. And they are keeping it quiet. And Biden will take all the credit for lowering gas prices right before Mid terms. So grimy."
Edit, further: "But when he said they are keeping it quiet and they want it done in an impossible amount of time, I had to tell you"
This is a perfect example of where we are too passive. This story needs national exposure with named sources. Not whispered rumors so we can sit back and be cynical. We are the news. Get this elevated by whoever will listen.
All refineries run 7 days a week. The only way to increase output is to push it to run above capacity, or defer maintenance and turnarounds. Those options aren’t normally taken because they compromise safety.
All refineries or just the ones running? The idled ones and the ones that have shut down are running 24/7?
Well, the ones running. I don’t know who would have a functional refinery just sitting idle right now.
Biden. That's who.