I paraphrased what Harari says for brevity, but yes, he did and he does. He even wrote a whole book about it that is like an oracle to people like Obama. They've become so arrogant that they now speak about things openly as if no one can stop them. But they have always had to publish the evil plan. It's in their rules of magic, (which are really the rules demons gave them from their knowledge of how spiritual things work) so even when they were being secretive there were obscure books to be found or notes from talks given at foundation events or videos of comments in interviews, even newspaper and magazine articles no one outside their circles noticed.
The Georgia Guidestones were an example of publishing their plans. Those did have flowery words to hide the scope of their intentions because they were erected in the 70s, but they were in sinc with Harari's more specific plans.
Even God publishes His plans through prophecy. He obeys the rule because He made it. The Bible says he does nothing in the earth before he reveals it to His prophets. The evil Satanic cultists do the same thing, revealing their intentions, because they know they will immediately fail if they don't. But that doesn't necessarily mean they will succeed as they suppose.
There is much that has been revealed by God recently through His modern prophets, and there is a lot of revelation that pertains to our time in the Bible. Much of the latter has been misinterpreted, and that has been by design to keep the church in a defeatist attitude as they look only for a rescue. That is abundantly proven to my mind, including where it came from.
As I understand the present situation, this is not Satan's time. He is trying to jump the gun to bring it on sooner. It's a pattern with him, and he always thinks he can do it, but the times are in God's hand. This is not the great tribulation or even the beginning of it. This is the beginning of God's time, when His church will awaken and finally rise up to fill the earth with His glory.
The devil got really close to achieving his goal, but God, who knew it all ahead of time, thwarted him. It's already over from God's perspective. It's like the end of a chess game where the losing man is forced only to make moves he knows will end in a checkmate. Hillary was to complete what Obama set up in a well-timed plan set up by the power brokers. That's why Obama left so many judicial vacancies. Hillary was supposed to fill them and then. complete the destruction of America and bring the world into submission. But then God raised up Trump to run against her. They weren't worried. They had the election rigged like all the others have been. But so many people voted for Trump that it overwhelmed their cheating algorithms.
Now they are scrambling, trying to catch up, and they are failing because they are having to implement things too fast. People can't help but notice what they're doing. They are beginning to see them for what they are. This really is new. I do not think it will be that long before names like Harari and Schwab and Hillary and Obama are only a memory people forget because things will be so much better without them.
One day the devil will have his short day, but that is not today. What is happening is like a foreshadowing of that time because the devil has no new plans. It's always been the same plan. The fallen angels were leading mankind into genetic confusion all the way back before the flood. God said all flesh was corrupted. Noah alone was "perfect in his generations," which meant his genetic makeup was perfectly human as God designed it. God reacted to that in a spectacular way, and I expect Him to react to what they are doing now (again) in some spectacular way that will put an end to it. They made a grave mistake doing that.
Things are different now that the New Covenant in Christ's blood has been established. It impacts on the way God does things. The Great Awakening is part of what He is doing to rescue mankind from the slavery they didn't know had taken them. This is the time when He fulfills prophecy by pouring out His spirit upon all flesh, and it looks like it's already been happening. That is only going to increase, and those who make it their mission to stick their thumb in God's eye are in for a rude awakening of a different kind.
Is that really what he said? I thought he would hide his intention a lot better in flowery lies.
I paraphrased what Harari says for brevity, but yes, he did and he does. He even wrote a whole book about it that is like an oracle to people like Obama. They've become so arrogant that they now speak about things openly as if no one can stop them. But they have always had to publish the evil plan. It's in their rules of magic, (which are really the rules demons gave them from their knowledge of how spiritual things work) so even when they were being secretive there were obscure books to be found or notes from talks given at foundation events or videos of comments in interviews, even newspaper and magazine articles no one outside their circles noticed.
The Georgia Guidestones were an example of publishing their plans. Those did have flowery words to hide the scope of their intentions because they were erected in the 70s, but they were in sinc with Harari's more specific plans.
Even God publishes His plans through prophecy. He obeys the rule because He made it. The Bible says he does nothing in the earth before he reveals it to His prophets. The evil Satanic cultists do the same thing, revealing their intentions, because they know they will immediately fail if they don't. But that doesn't necessarily mean they will succeed as they suppose.
There is much that has been revealed by God recently through His modern prophets, and there is a lot of revelation that pertains to our time in the Bible. Much of the latter has been misinterpreted, and that has been by design to keep the church in a defeatist attitude as they look only for a rescue. That is abundantly proven to my mind, including where it came from.
As I understand the present situation, this is not Satan's time. He is trying to jump the gun to bring it on sooner. It's a pattern with him, and he always thinks he can do it, but the times are in God's hand. This is not the great tribulation or even the beginning of it. This is the beginning of God's time, when His church will awaken and finally rise up to fill the earth with His glory.
The devil got really close to achieving his goal, but God, who knew it all ahead of time, thwarted him. It's already over from God's perspective. It's like the end of a chess game where the losing man is forced only to make moves he knows will end in a checkmate. Hillary was to complete what Obama set up in a well-timed plan set up by the power brokers. That's why Obama left so many judicial vacancies. Hillary was supposed to fill them and then. complete the destruction of America and bring the world into submission. But then God raised up Trump to run against her. They weren't worried. They had the election rigged like all the others have been. But so many people voted for Trump that it overwhelmed their cheating algorithms.
Now they are scrambling, trying to catch up, and they are failing because they are having to implement things too fast. People can't help but notice what they're doing. They are beginning to see them for what they are. This really is new. I do not think it will be that long before names like Harari and Schwab and Hillary and Obama are only a memory people forget because things will be so much better without them.
One day the devil will have his short day, but that is not today. What is happening is like a foreshadowing of that time because the devil has no new plans. It's always been the same plan. The fallen angels were leading mankind into genetic confusion all the way back before the flood. God said all flesh was corrupted. Noah alone was "perfect in his generations," which meant his genetic makeup was perfectly human as God designed it. God reacted to that in a spectacular way, and I expect Him to react to what they are doing now (again) in some spectacular way that will put an end to it. They made a grave mistake doing that.
Things are different now that the New Covenant in Christ's blood has been established. It impacts on the way God does things. The Great Awakening is part of what He is doing to rescue mankind from the slavery they didn't know had taken them. This is the time when He fulfills prophecy by pouring out His spirit upon all flesh, and it looks like it's already been happening. That is only going to increase, and those who make it their mission to stick their thumb in God's eye are in for a rude awakening of a different kind.
This what happens when commie materialist tries to do meditation....leads directly to Delusion...