Today I noticed a huge change when I took my little to see her pediatrician. Since she was born they always stuck us on the "sick" side and "sick" rooms because we refused to vaccinate our child and we were in the midst of covid and did not vaccinate ourselves/during pregnancy. Even if we sat on the well side we'd be asked to sit on the sick side. Well today not only did we mingle and sit on the well side they directed us to the well rooms. New Dr and when we said no vaccinations, she said "good good." Is the shift happening?
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That's a good sign. But pediatricians, just like all our doctors, have been badly miseducated. They know not what they do.
Hopefully your position on the Cooties-1984 jab extends to all other jabs. They're all 100% unnecessary and poisonous as viruses do not exist and bacteria do not cause dis-ease, they restore us to homeostasis. As such, anti-biotics (against-life) are never called for either. All they do is arrest and curtail our natural healing processes, causing long-term problems later down the road.
Anyway, aside from my red pill, I appreciate you sharing your experience. It's a hopeful sign in the midst of the madness!!
That does extend to other jabs. No vaccines for our little pedes
Wonderful news, it warms my heart to hear it. They're gonna grow up to be strong, healthy adults thanks to their very wise parents! Kudos to you!