Trump is endorsing all his Senate, House and state officials as we speak. If he were to return, it would be just after the mid-terms. I'd say January 21, 2023 would be a really good guess. Giving him 2 yrs of fake president Biden's remaining term and then as the likely MAGA candidate, a full second term in 2025.
We know there will be a red wave come mid-terms, given the Trump endorsement-to-win primaries (93%!!) That sets the 6 year stage for Legislative, Executive and Judicial branch MAGA.
Now, here is a MAGA hypothetical.
If MAGA supporters win back the majority in the House, they could vote Trump in as Speaker of the House. Law says; An average citizen can be voted in by it's members as Speaker!
Trump could then bring articles of impeachment against Biden & Harris. He could also do the same for corrupt House and Senate members, as well as SCOTUS and other agency corrupt personnel and department heads.
Can anyone imagine the multiple articles of impeachment to finally DRAIN THE SWAMP? Liberal leaning C-SPAN that televises these hearings would have a major case of the hives! Haha!
As 3rd in line for the presidency, with Biden & Harris impeached, who would the House majority vote in as Speaker? Remember, if Trump gets back in as president and there is no VP, Speaker assumes the role of VP.
Anyone want to make any predictions?
My top two would be Jim Jordan of Ohio and Matt Gaetz of Florida. Other contenders; Elise Stefanik of NY, Majorie Taylor-Green of Georgia
Matt Gaetz is a pedophile, who went across state lines in order to pay to have sex with underage girls. It's so gross to see people actually still support him.
U are a rumor mongerer.prove it or fuck off.
The associate of Gaetz who is named in all the Venmo details from their payments to underage girls, and other documents, has plead guilty in federal court to sex trafficking and sex with underage woman and some other stuff. Part of his guilty plead is that he's agreed to testify and cooperate with any other investigations based around the evidence that tied the associate to raping underage girls. This associate's lawyer said they
These investigations where initiated the last year Trump was in office or so, with Barr as AG.
So, it would seem that there's legitimacy behind this evidence to get a grand jury to indict this associate of Gaetz. And especially since his plea deal includes cooperating for other investigations, it would really imply that others are involved of course. Gaetz and this guy are known to have hung out and been in contact a chunk.
Soooo I suppose make of it what you will in the end. But it really seems like the information is accurate and I'm guessing will continue to hold up as investigations progress.