Okay then, I’ll dig a little deeper into the etymological origins of demos. Does it count that I know one of Mar’s moons is named Demos?
I’m also kind of a old slacker, and thus have lost the thread of what point was being made. If it’s a matter of opinion let’s agree ataraxia is the best policy, but if it’s an important insight, which in my own case is not unheard of, I’ll relish the delectable factoid and use it frequently as a tribute to this exchange, good sir.
My motto is U > I so you’re probably right in all your assertions, as I’m widely regarded as an ignorant fool for miles around. Ask anybody.
Or you could fill me in on what we were talking about before, and school me on what you meant in the first place. Or don’t, but thanks just the same. Do I read as if I’m a bit baked? Not just half baked? Confirmed.
Part as in cut in two? Like parting a rope?
Dividing, as in sewing division? Defining thereby an “us” and a “them”. Thanks for the proto-indo-euro lesson. Let’s part company then with my sincere expression of gratitude.
Okay then, I’ll dig a little deeper into the etymological origins of demos. Does it count that I know one of Mar’s moons is named Demos?
I’m also kind of a old slacker, and thus have lost the thread of what point was being made. If it’s a matter of opinion let’s agree ataraxia is the best policy, but if it’s an important insight, which in my own case is not unheard of, I’ll relish the delectable factoid and use it frequently as a tribute to this exchange, good sir.
My motto is U > I so you’re probably right in all your assertions, as I’m widely regarded as an ignorant fool for miles around. Ask anybody.
Or you could fill me in on what we were talking about before, and school me on what you meant in the first place. Or don’t, but thanks just the same. Do I read as if I’m a bit baked? Not just half baked? Confirmed.
Part as in cut in two? Like parting a rope? Dividing, as in sewing division? Defining thereby an “us” and a “them”. Thanks for the proto-indo-euro lesson. Let’s part company then with my sincere expression of gratitude.