"The Revelation is obviously not a prose composition. It is a drama, a moving picture of the unfolding kingdom of Christ in a world of carnality, sin, and death — a picture taken not with a cinematograph, but with the camera of divine revelation. Again and again throughout the book of Revelation we have noted that the vast majority of the events portrayed in the visions of John takes place in one of three realms — heaven, earth, or sea. These, of course, are not the literal, outer heavens of the universe, nor the physical planet earth, nor the actual seas of water. As we know, these symbolize three realms of life through when we pass on our journey from the depths of the kingdom of darkness unto the heights of the kingdom of life and light in Christ. As the voice from heaven declared, "Rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you…" (Rev. 12:12)."
Much more in the text:
"You will understand a great mystery when you see clearly that God is judging and bringing to an end the earth man, the flesh man within each of us. And He will also execute this work in all of His redeemed children everywhere! The seven last plagues are destructive — not destroying God’s people, but destroying, removing once and for all and completely the old man of sin who sits in the temple of God ruling over all the thoughts, ways, and religious actions of the Lord’s carnally-minded people — showing himself that HE is god! I believe that God is giving us the true understanding, the correct perception, that the purpose of the plagues is to strip away that man of flesh, that man of sin from the temple of God! As you follow through the book of Revelation you see that it is all a removal. It is the unveiling of Jesus Christ. The unveiling signifies an uncovering, the removal of the covering that has concealed His life within the vessel. All through the book everything is being shaken! The seals are loosed — removed from the scroll. When the trumpets sound, a third part of the trees and all green grass is burnt up; a third part of the creatures in the sea die; a third part of the ships is destroyed; a third part of the sun, moon, and stars disappear; and a third part of men is killed."