We all know the 2020 election was rigged.
It was rigged in so many different ways, it was truly breathtaking to watch. I have been watching rigged elections for many years now, but 2020 really exposed a lot of new shenanigans, that i was not yet aware of.
We really need serious election reform. Our elections are meaningless and worthless.
There is a massive crisis of confidence in the elections, and the legitimacy of the government.
NPR sometimes cites a statistic about how many voters think 2020 was rigged, but then they try to spin it into a problem that was caused by Donald Trump's "BIG LIE"
Donald Trump isn't saying anything that hasn't already been said before. We have long believed 2020 was rigged, regardless of what Trump says.
But 2020 was just one election among many, and i can say that no American voter should have any confidence in any election.
Pick any election year, and we can dig up the allegations of shenanigans.
And then the normies demand "proof", but when you give them anything, its never good enough.
or even worse yet, they report it as "misinformation" and get it censored.
What can we do about it?
first of all, electronic voting machines, counting, etc needs to go bye-bye.
we have counted votes for a long time, without needing any help from electricity.
there is virtually no way to secure any election that uses computers. we all have seen the multiple examples of how computers have been used to manipulate elections.
in 2020, how is it that 6 swing states just happened to stop counting in the middle of the night?
if they want to stop counting, then there ought to be a pre-planned schedule of when counting will stop, and when it will resume again, and a plan for how everything will be secured over-night.
it was obviously coordinated chaos.
a "conspiracy"
And yet as far as i can tell, there is absolutely nothing to prevent the 2022 election from being rigged.
So what if the "Republicans" win in 2022? its obvious that any "Republican" in office, got there thru a rigged election. The rigged elections maintain the two-party system, by "allowing" people from both parties to "win"...
What are "We, The People" going to do about it?
- we NEED to purge the voter rolls every election cycle. we all saw how many various ways that voter rolls were abused,
for example 10 "ghost voters" who are registered to vote at YOUR address, and they voted in 2020, but you live at your house, and you are pretty sure you didn't have 10 voters living with you.
theres really no practical way to purge the ineligible voters off the voter rolls, without purging EVERYONE and making them register again.
only the cheaters will whine about having to re-register to vote before each election.
i can hear it now... its... "racist" or "phobic" somehow.
- we NEED a receipt when we vote.
its ridiculous how we get a receipt for everyday things like a cup of coffee, but we can't get a receipt when we vote?
whats all on a receipt for coffee?
date / time - down to the second.
name address phone of store
the cashiers name
the cash register number
fun fact: cash registers were originally marketed as "thief catchers", the "thief" being the clerk.
the item purchased
the purchase price
the WAY you payed
the TAX you payed.
And i suspect that the TAX is the true reason we get such a detailed receipt.
so the government(s) gets their cut.
But when it comes to voting, meh, who gives a rats ass?
You put your ballot in the machine, and the nice poll worker directs you toward the exit.
Move along, nothing to see here.
One time i trolled the poll worker. I started looking around the machine, walking around the side of it, and they start giving me shit about snooping, and i'm like wheres my receipt and they just kinda laughed and said we don't get one, and then i said i got a receipt for coffee i just bought, why can't i get a receipt here? and they were like, no receipts, go away. and of course they are just a poll worker, doing their job.
But i believe that the answer is TALLY STICKS
Tally Sticks Built The British Empire!
while a tally stick made of wood or bone is truly a "stick",
the way a tally stick works, can be modernized.
for example, CARBON PAPER
and/or QR codes
if they can SERIALIZE every $1 bill,
then surely they can serialize every BALLOT
they could even serialize during the voting process, by stamping each new ballot as it is handed to the voter.
the number of ballots had better match the number of voters,
and the voters have to use a valid ID to get a ballot, and be re-registered.
IF there was any kind of counting machines involved, which there probably will be,
THEN we must insist that as each ballot is scanned, a photographic image is captured of the ballot, and immediately uploaded to the county website, for public scrutiny.
THEN at the county website, anyone can watch the election results come in, in real time. they would see a photo of each new ballot gets counted, and they would see a running "tally" of the vote, in real time, all day long, on election day.
THEN, when YOU, the VOTER get to keep your own CARBON COPY receipt of your ballot, with your QR code and/or serial number,
THEN when you walk outside the polling place, you can immediately scan your QR code, or go the county website, and verify the status of your ballot
can you look it up by serial number? [check!]
does the image of your ballot, match your receipt? [check!]
can you look up the serial numbers close to yours? (potential anonymity issue?)
can you see the current status of the election you just voted in? [check!]
We are SO DONE with this BS about how the vote count totals mysteriously go vertical in the middle of the night.
theres no reason that the moment the last voter votes, the election results are known for that polling location instantly.
We have been SHOWN how the elections are rigged.
We have been SHOWN that the RINO's will go along with it.
We have been SHOWN that "the powers that be", have ZERO intention of ever allowing you to have legitimate elections ever again.
The election results will be, whatever the computer programmer wants them to be.
What kind of "Democracy" will you be leaving your children, and grandchildren?
You can't expect your kids, or your grandkids to solve this problem.
Its up to us.
Keep the fat asses out, then put them back in the kitchen