Not sure who downvoted you, but wasn't me lol. I'm trying to stay positive, but it's hard to be firm when life throws dumb things at you. It's stupid, but I'm having girl problems. It's hard to focus on the real mission when I can't escape loneliness and rejection. That and being stuck in this debt based scam financial system.
Loving life at the moment thanks.
Me three ... lol! ❤️
I've been feeling horribly. Been positive for a while, but not enjoying the last two weeks. I need something good soon...
Have you taken time to meditate and release negatives thoughts and programming?
Not sure who downvoted you, but wasn't me lol. I'm trying to stay positive, but it's hard to be firm when life throws dumb things at you. It's stupid, but I'm having girl problems. It's hard to focus on the real mission when I can't escape loneliness and rejection. That and being stuck in this debt based scam financial system.
Step 1: Self-Love 💕
That's great and all, but it's hard to cuddle myself lol 😭😭😭
Cannabis and pillows 💕
The spice tingles my taste buds