199 Trump banned for mean tweets yet this shit is allowed…. Wtf have these sickos got planned?! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by ifififififokiedokie 2 years ago by ifififififokiedokie +199 / -0 45 comments download share 45 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
They are broadcasting their agenda.
Trudeau is cutting fertilizer for farmers now. Weird how the politicians all over the world are cutting on fertilizer use right before harvest season…. Holomodor 2.0
So the current fertiliser that is used in modern crops is poison to go with the poison seeds Monsanto makes…
If you go back to non gmo seeds and plants all you need is loads of dung and effort and you will have tasty more nutrient’s crop.
What the dumb globhomos forget is we are resilient and smarter than them.
God wins we won’t starve…. Although they might
I've been ordering from Bakers Creek for non-GMO heirloom seeds of all types.
I am so pleased they still sell non gmo seeds.
Are they more tasty the crops???