ILoveIvermectin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was terminator a movie or a guidebook? Were the books 1984 and brave new world warnings or guidebooks?

It’s as if the globalists created a society and narrative that led us effortlessly into genocide.

ILoveIvermectin 3 points ago +3 / -0

*American citizens.

This is why Obama drone bombing an American citizen was a big deal. He set a precedent for killing citizens without due process.

ILoveIvermectin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pandering to 0.0001% of the population? Bold move, let’s see if those votes add up.

ILoveIvermectin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are these just demented theater kids? Cause it seems like they like to play dress up…. It’s as if the entire news cycle is artificial and made up and antifa plays the role.

ILoveIvermectin 3 points ago +3 / -0

And then he gives a soft cold shoulder to Bibi, puts his hand around the wife and does a thumbs up. Body language is savage here. Unconcious domination. Bibi can talk tough but his is not top dog, sorry I meant top Orange.

ILoveIvermectin 15 points ago +15 / -0

Many of us are at similar points.

It’s hard. The mental stress of trying to stay afloat is getting to me but I use this forum to shit post and make life a little better. I did the air bnb nomad thing myself. Also had a friend who self ‘deleted’. It’s better to reach out than think no one cares. We all do, but what can we do right now asides from saying thanks for sharing. Only Jesus Christ salvation last forever. Not evil.

Trumps first book talked about his bankruptcy. He talked about how the things that worked and didn’t work . We will rebuild. Remember what worked for you, who was there for you and rebuild on that. Trumps fortunes skyrocket cause he realized not everyone in his life was there for Don. They were there for TRUMP.

He also said to win big, you have to learn how to lose. And dammit, we’ve been losing a lot. But what you learn here will bring better fortunes. Our president is a leader. He didn’t lead us astray, but let’s be honest. As men in the west , we all got a little soft and needed this kick in the ass. Stay safe anon.

Edit: https://truthsocial.com/@KarliBonne/112850368247375086

ILoveIvermectin 5 points ago +5 / -0

Are you speaking about asset stripping fund managers who wear magic underwear and like to run for president?

ILoveIvermectin 14 points ago +14 / -0

Savage burn. Edit: that image on the left could be half of congress right now.

ILoveIvermectin 24 points ago +24 / -0

The globalists should know, because they are parasites themselves.

ILoveIvermectin 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Caribbean more allies with Latin America. Which is why they do sports and other events together like the Caribbean and Latin American games held in el Salvador recently. I have zero issue with your statement. It’s correct. I’m just saying the coming narrative is going to be that she isn’t ADOS. ADOS and FBA want to distinguish from other DOS. I get it but either way, none of this makes our lives better or worse. Just watching the show.

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