It's high time to study the real old school methods, and get prepared to use them. You will need to come together as an Angry mob, with flaming pitchforks and swords, the only language demented despots understand, and be willing and able to post their heads on lamposts around the country.
There is no other way, than the time-honored way of our courageous forebears.
If the Pilgrims did this to save themselves, then we must.
It's high time to study the real old school methods, and get prepared to use them. You will need to come together as an Angry mob, with flaming pitchforks and swords, the only language demented despots understand, and be willing and able to post their heads on lamposts around the country.
There is no other way, than the time-honored way of our courageous forebears.
If the Pilgrims did this to save themselves, then we must.