Okay—the bad guys inflicted Covid-19 on the world, then the good guys countered by unleashing the airborne vaccine "Omicron" on us, correct? Do you think it stopped there? Time for a VIBE CHECK: Fellow amphibians, how are you *really* feeling? Any new, strange, unusual 'bugs' going around?

never vaxd, live way out in country with horses/dogs, lotta vitamins and supplements...late 2020, got sick/bad cough, so in reading here, found out about ivermectin...dosed 5 days, got better, then rebounded couple weeks later, took another round ivermectin...then i started using raw/unfiltered honey every nite...we have water well, but use good quality bottle water for drinking...noticed my old bull mastiff having health issues, tested showed nothing, so started him on raw/unfiltered honey twice a day...immediate improvement...then, when i noticed the water stain from a dripping faucet, have had him on CLEAN water, using zerowater.com with their 5-stage filter taking out all TDS, and he is doing much better now...i hate to think about everything that is in our well water...whole fam now using zerowater and the TDS meter that comes with the set-up(amazon cheapest)...testing everything now, surprised that fridge filters don't do anything and bottle water lotta TDS also...so,now i use lotta vitamin/supplements, CLEAN water and raw/unfiltered honey...friends dogs have used honey with great results for their aging dogs...just wanted to share my experiences, maybe helpful for others...btw, am in early 70's and mostly sedentary lifestyle...i refused all cv nonsense, no testing or vax, as i have O-neg pureblood that my fam might need.