Currently holding a box of PAXLOVID
⚠️ Pax-TYRANNY ☠️
First off, it’s under EUA.
It is not a nice medicine. I actually get bad vibes from it.
The pamphlet itself states that it’s experimental.
It’s still being studied.
It can cause kidney damage (much like Remdesivir)
It’s made by Phizer (shocker)
It also interferes with the effects of HIV medications.
I theorize that PAXLOVID is Phizer’s way of getting us pure bloods
Including the attached pamphlet
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There are different groups of pure bloods. Some are okay with pills. Personally I don’t trust the Covid clot shot, but I went to get a Tdap booster when I stepped on a nail in my yard. Not everyone’s beliefs are the same.
But I don’t trust anything from Phizer regardless
Clif high who went into all things medical in a big way due to having had cancer three times says zinc ivermectin hcq fenbendazole quercitin etc are radical treatments..take a toll on the body and should not be taken lightly
Check your symptoms are not just your immune system detoxing.withb"flu like" symptoms