Currently holding a box of PAXLOVID
⚠️ Pax-TYRANNY ☠️
First off, it’s under EUA.
It is not a nice medicine. I actually get bad vibes from it.
The pamphlet itself states that it’s experimental.
It’s still being studied.
It can cause kidney damage (much like Remdesivir)
It’s made by Phizer (shocker)
It also interferes with the effects of HIV medications.
I theorize that PAXLOVID is Phizer’s way of getting us pure bloods
Including the attached pamphlet
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My entire teen yrs through late 30s was one natural high/low constant and all over the map due to mood disorder until I finally found a naturpath. I always had my entire family on a free unwanted rollercoaster from Hell. All doctors ever gave me was more issues in a pill, mostly horrible. My older brother used to call me ‘A trip without a ticket’