"From the greatness of the crisis and the solemnity of the warning, these emissaries must be creatures of awesome power. Yet they seem unaccountably crude, uncouth, and unseemly. They surprise us. “Frogs!” we exclaim, “heralds of battle? Ambassadors to kings? Impossible! Absurd! Ridiculous!” The crisis is the greatest in the annals of war. It is referred to in scripture, as well as in our text, as “the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” It is portrayed as a World War, a Universal Conflict. And yet — to assemble the militant nations — three slimy batrachian monsters! What are these “questionable shapes,” these disgusting amphibia, from the swamps and mud of dried-up Euphrates? John describes them as “unclean spirits,” they are “demons,” or dead men. What we see in the vision is three ghostly emissaries, one out of the mouth of each of the confederates, the dragon, the wild beast, and the false prophet — gigantic shadowy frogs, croaking night prowlers, cold-blooded reptiles dwelling in marshes, quagmires, and stagnant waters, with their spotted skin, their sprawling limbs, their agile leap, their dismal croakings filling the night with noise. They are as politicians, these masqueraders, at home in the slimy pool, in the gooey mud, in the air or on solid ground; noisome, repulsive, abhorrent. Of what are these cheap orators, these uncanny imposters the emblem?"
Much more in the text:
"An “unclean” spirit is the opposite of the “clean” or “holy” Spirit. The “clean” or Holy Spirit of God is the Spirit of truth, life, and righteousness. Unclean spirits produce the opposite: lies and deceits, evil, and death. The characteristics of the Holy Spirit are found in the “fruit of the spirit” which is: “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance” (Gal. 5:22-23). These are the nine virtues which constitute the nature of the Holy Spirit which is the nature of God. The scriptures show that our bodies are the “body of Christ” and the “temple of God.” When we walk in the spirit we are walking in the nature of God. Paul says, “This I say then, Walk in the spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh” (Gal. 5:16). The lusts of the flesh produce uncleanness. Acts 1:8 says, “But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me.” What kind of POWER does the Holy Spirit give us? Certainly not muscle power! No, you get muscle power by eating certain proteins and exercising regularly. Would it be atomic power? There is a lot of power in atomic power — enough already stockpiled by the nations to blow twenty planets like ours to smithereens! If God is willing to give us power, it must be power AFTER HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS. What is God like? First of all, we know that God is a Spirit, and when God gives us power, He would naturally give us spirit power. He gives us power after His likeness! This means that He gives us love power, joy power, peace power, longsuffering power, patience power, goodness power, temperance power, meekness power, and faith power. This is indeed — SPIRIT POWER!"