"God’s people are still prone to think with carnal minds. When they read in the prophecies of the Bible about the gathering of kings unto battle, and the fighting of great wars, immediately their attention is focused on world events rather than on the things of God. This fallacy-ridden practice has given rise to what has been rightly termed “newspaper eschatology” — studying current events in the arena of “this present evil world” rather than searching the mind of the Spirit for the wisdom and understanding God gives of the true thing He is doing in the earth by His Spirit! The work of God is not currently outside of us, not out there in the world of darkness with all of its plans and efforts and shamefully fleshly activities and wicked schemes. The work of God is within His people! “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13). Sons of God do not derive their theology from the newspapers nor the television news casts. What you read and hear there is not what God is doing! Nor is it what God is talking about! That is not where God’s work is seen! Nor is that what God is concerned with! The Holy Spirit of God has not come within us to show us what the world system is up to — He has come to “take the things of Christ and show them unto us!”
Much more in the link:
One can make the scriptures say anything they want when they start "Spiritualizing" everything it says.
The scriptures are spiritual, they can only be comprehended with spiritual mind.
You equivocate on the meaning of "spiritual" to mean "symbolic."
While I agree with your above statement, this is not to say that the Bible cannot be understood or interpreted properly by understanding the use of literary devices being used by it's authors. There is both allegory and literary devices being used in the Bible. The question is when is each literary device being used. When do we take the text literally and when do we take it allegorical/symbolically? That is the question.
It's not the job of the Spirit of God to teach you proper Biblical Hermeneutics or how to parse verbs and nouns etc....
Lean too far in one direction, and spiritualize everything, and you make the text mean whatever you want it to. Lean too far in the other direction, and take the text too literally, you'll lose the benefit of allegory (like Jesus uses to teach his disciples with) and symbols.
You lean too far towards spiritualizing everything in the Bible, therefore you toss out any literal reference in Revelation. That's not a principle you find within the book of Revelation - you find that within your own presuppositions that you then bring to the text.
I would invite you to take a look at the whole study, beginning with the first essay.
Here is the link:
I've been in the study for over a year now, I'm not an expert on Bible interpretation, but I've been around, I find Eby's reasoning for a spiritual symbolism interpretation to be the best I've found on the topic. Eby spent a lifetime on such matters, he recently passed away this year :)
What you (and J. Preston Eby) are espousing is "Latter Rain Movement" teaching, which is heretical.
Latter Rain teaching is characterized by a highly typological hermeneutic. That is, the Bible is interpreted in a symbolic, extremely stylized manner. An emphasis is placed on extra-biblical revelation, such as personal prophecies, experiences, and directives straight from God
Many “apostles” in the Latter Rain Movement also teach the doctrine of “the manifest sons of God.” This is a heretical doctrine which says that the Church will give rise to a special group of “overcomers” who will receive spiritual bodies, becoming immortal.
For more information on the Latter Rain Movement see here: