Just heard on Ben Shapiro, these bastards took her ‘trans’ daughter because her mother refuses to deem her a boy. Because she’s a girl. The state should have no such power..
I’m sick of this queer stuff. You are a boy or you are a girl. Men and women. Excluding the very rare hermaphrodite… SCREW THIS NONSENSE!
It’s disgusting how impressionable kids are because more and more seem to think they are what they are not. Kids are supposed to be creative they’re supposed to imagine but this is BULLS.
You listen to Shapiro? Really?
I listen for the same reason I listen to Rogan. They have giant audiences and I like to know what those huge groups of people are thinking right now.
Ben Shapiro still says the election wasn’t stolen, so that means that millions of people also think that. That’s good info to have.
How do you convince a Shapiro fan that he’s a lying piece of shit when he says so many other things that are right up our alley? I don’t think Ben is our biggest enemy.
And getting mad at what Shapiro has to say is the design, throw you off real news and information. The story is probably 100% fake.