You just happen to be unaffected by an employer, every store you've ever cared to shop in, didn't need any medical care, or to enter any government building or happen to come across any other restrictions of any other kind for the last couple years.
I second this. americanlion might not be affected by the covid psyop but the vast majority of people are being coerced into complying in one way or another.
Well goodie for you.
You just happen to be unaffected by an employer, every store you've ever cared to shop in, didn't need any medical care, or to enter any government building or happen to come across any other restrictions of any other kind for the last couple years.
What are the odds?
I second this. americanlion might not be affected by the covid psyop but the vast majority of people are being coerced into complying in one way or another.
Oh you think I wasn't asked to leave the majority of stores I entered? Never kneel homie, ever