Zimbabwe to use gold coins as tender to reduce use of US dollars
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Much of Africa is stagnant for a variety of reasons but not for those parroted on PBS. There are pockets of rich resources and those still attract foreign investment because there is no local industry or ability to extract, transport, and refine those resources.
Much of the continent has poor soils and irregular seasonal rainfall. Most of the continent is land locked without a vast river system. Where there are rivers they become garbage laden toilets in addition to the main source of drinking water. Sewage systems and waste disposal and compartmentalization systems are almost non-existent.
Most of the continent is incapable of developing an effective food production and distribution system. This is a recurring, 100% internal problem despite 50 years and more of foreign technical aid to improve production, processing, storage and transportation.
Their political systems make ours look like heaven. All the way up and down the chain, no one has any real power to effect change so every thing becomes an opportunity for graft. The concept of rights and systems of property and law are nebulous because tribal customs have more real influence in society than colonial institutions. There is no safety net. You are truly "on your own".
Most companies I dealt with see Africa as a huge untapped consumer market. The main problem is that there is so little ANYTHING to base functioning economies off of that it is difficult to develop a capitalist consumer base. Few desirable resources. Ineffective transportation and distribution systems. A poor uneducated population. Barely functioning legal systems. These are not post-colonial problems.