posted ago by test_pattern ago by test_pattern +6 / -0

I tuned out Gorka when he attacked Q, but Phillips endorses him and this interview is stellar. puts Breitbart's "politics is downstream of culture" into context. notably, Gorka says 2020 is a "sucking chest wound" but the problem is much deeper.

the marxist decades long 'march through the institutions' displaced constitutional values; we're dealing with the results of a cultural displacement. the 'deep state' cannot be truly eradicated politically or judicially as long as the culture supports their totalitarian ideals. just look at the last two years.

Gorka points out that "communism...will never work except in feudal, agrarian nations...a nation that has a strong Judeo-Christian heritage with a strong middle class"... understands the value private property -- that it is essential to freedom.

"the 7th Floor of the Hoover Building looks at this [Trump's] White House as the enemy."