My employer tried to tell us that we had to take the shots due to allegedly being a 'fEdErAl CoNtRaCtOr'. We refused. They set a deadline. We still didn't get it. They said we would be placed on medical leave so they didn't have to pay unemployment. Still we refused. Finally they said come to work after the deadline, if you still haven't taken shot you'll be given some 'eDuCaTiOnAl MaTeRiAl' (propaganda) about the shot. I still haven't gotten that propaganda, seven months after their deadline.
The only time I've worn a mask was to visit my mother in the hospital, and that only until I got in her room. When the drones at various stores tried to tell me to wear one, or offered me one, I simply told them "No thanks, I'm not a fucking cuck. Enjoy your cuckmask". They shut right the fuck up.
Mandates only work if everyone complies. The more disobey, the more likely others are to disobey. Especially when you publicly scorn, shame, and ridicule those who obey.
We simply disobeyed.
My employer tried to tell us that we had to take the shots due to allegedly being a 'fEdErAl CoNtRaCtOr'. We refused. They set a deadline. We still didn't get it. They said we would be placed on medical leave so they didn't have to pay unemployment. Still we refused. Finally they said come to work after the deadline, if you still haven't taken shot you'll be given some 'eDuCaTiOnAl MaTeRiAl' (propaganda) about the shot. I still haven't gotten that propaganda, seven months after their deadline.
The only time I've worn a mask was to visit my mother in the hospital, and that only until I got in her room. When the drones at various stores tried to tell me to wear one, or offered me one, I simply told them "No thanks, I'm not a fucking cuck. Enjoy your cuckmask". They shut right the fuck up.
Mandates only work if everyone complies. The more disobey, the more likely others are to disobey. Especially when you publicly scorn, shame, and ridicule those who obey.