I'm watching a fascinating (quick) presentation by a guy who served in the US military in Iraq ion 2009, showing the dismantling and annihilation of huge amounts of Sumarian relics, statues, portals, etc. He concludes that since Iraq started pumping more oil than ever after this ISIS invasion, that the cabal that is organising ISIS and systematic destruction of ancient Sumer profited from it, and there was something behind destroying all these Sumarian relics.
Ancient Iraq is a Massive Conspiracy
If you are right it wasn't aliens in the bible not 'fallen angels' then the Bible is fantasy...ch.3 ezekiel"then a ruach lifted me up and I heard behind me the sound of a great earthquake as the kovod of Yahweh rose from that place"
Again same Ezekiel "I heard the thunder of the wings and at the same time the thunder of the wheels and the noise of a great storm. The ruach lifted me and carried me away."
Ruach was not the holy spirit as the Bible says.. transcribed wrongly. There scno word for eternity either..the word is olam..an indefinite period of time...
Now if you want to believe these being were gods I can assure you they were vicious aliens..one... yahweh even made the tribe of Jacob give him their firstborn..baby and firstborn lamb etc so he could put them through the fire...as it says in Isiah to show I am the lord...vicious drunken alien! He alone had six litres of fortified wine delivered to him in two lots..one am one pm ...they were mortal beings.
Get yourself a proper Bible not the kJV.
Because anything and everything that could revile the plan for what's coming (that nothing can stop) the cabal will destroy just as was done to the GA Guidestones. You and yours are on that list as well.
There's also footprints of men that are big enough for a three-year-old child to sit completely inside of them, Ken Hovin vid, if I'm remembering correctly.
Because the facts of our history defy and challenge The Narrative.
I'm watching a fascinating (quick) presentation by a guy who served in the US military in Iraq ion 2009, showing the dismantling and annihilation of huge amounts of Sumarian relics, statues, portals, etc. He concludes that since Iraq started pumping more oil than ever after this ISIS invasion, that the cabal that is organising ISIS and systematic destruction of ancient Sumer profited from it, and there was something behind destroying all these Sumarian relics. Ancient Iraq is a Massive Conspiracy
(especially after minute 9:30, with a clip of Putin's talk about the subject)
It was uploaded yesterday, and already has > 150 K views!!
That's what happened to the library at Alexandria. It all got burned because it all fit in one of two categories...
I disagreed with Islam, in which case it was blasphemy.
It agreed with Islam, in which case it was unnecessary.
Nothing has changed.
The clerics know the aliens visited Mohamed not an angel..a gavri el....they are trying to destroy all evidence that it was aliens....
Except there ARE NO ALIENS....But ok.
If you are right it wasn't aliens in the bible not 'fallen angels' then the Bible is fantasy...ch.3 ezekiel"then a ruach lifted me up and I heard behind me the sound of a great earthquake as the kovod of Yahweh rose from that place" Again same Ezekiel "I heard the thunder of the wings and at the same time the thunder of the wheels and the noise of a great storm. The ruach lifted me and carried me away." Ruach was not the holy spirit as the Bible says.. transcribed wrongly. There scno word for eternity either..the word is olam..an indefinite period of time...
Now if you want to believe these being were gods I can assure you they were vicious aliens..one... yahweh even made the tribe of Jacob give him their firstborn..baby and firstborn lamb etc so he could put them through the fire...as it says in Isiah to show I am the lord...vicious drunken alien! He alone had six litres of fortified wine delivered to him in two lots..one am one pm ...they were mortal beings.
Get yourself a proper Bible not the kJV.
Do some research..
Because anything and everything that could revile the plan for what's coming (that nothing can stop) the cabal will destroy just as was done to the GA Guidestones. You and yours are on that list as well.
Destroying idols puts them closer to the will of God than the roman catholic church is.
So you're saying we might have lived alongside the dinos?
We did. There is also no millions or billions of years.
There's also footprints of men that are big enough for a three-year-old child to sit completely inside of them, Ken Hovin vid, if I'm remembering correctly.