The rush for green energy is not unlike the desired outcome of Operation Warp Speed with the vaccine initiative. The end result of these agendas is showing the public how utterly incompetent the Pharmaceutical and Energy industries are when they chase woke agendas.
I have no doubt in my mind that once we achieve full Awakening status across the globe, countless patents will be released from the locked achieves that will dwarf our present energy output with oil and coal. I am a firm believer in the work of Tesla, and how his many energy related inventions were not only ignored, but placed under lock and key for over a hundred years.
Before we can achieve Tesla's vision, we must first indulge the communists in their green energy utopia long enough for the general public to come to an understanding that the entire premise is a fraud and a scam on the people of the world.
The rush for green energy is not unlike the desired outcome of Operation Warp Speed with the vaccine initiative. The end result of these agendas is showing the public how utterly incompetent the Pharmaceutical and Energy industries are when they chase woke agendas.
I have no doubt in my mind that once we achieve full Awakening status across the globe, countless patents will be released from the locked achieves that will dwarf our present energy output with oil and coal. I am a firm believer in the work of Tesla, and how his many energy related inventions were not only ignored, but placed under lock and key for over a hundred years.
Before we can achieve Tesla's vision, we must first indulge the communists in their green energy utopia long enough for the general public to come to an understanding that the entire premise is a fraud and a scam on the people of the world.
Dreaming of the future is nice, but you don't even live in reality now.