I am glad that someone made a post regarding this subject -vitamins/supplements- especially when i see lots of people here recommending vitamins against COVID.
Most of them if not all are toxic since they are synthetic and they most of them times do not really represent the real vitamin structure but they are lookalike compared to the real one while also they can't be really absorbed by the body easily/totally since they are... not the real deal but synthetic. The body does not really recognize them the way it would with the real one from the natural source.
I know what it would be convenient to just shallow 2-3 pills per day in a few seconds and cover all your needs but we are more complicated than that.
Humans at the end of the day are primal creatures who are guided by their senses which they do not control, by their body which works on its own to sustain them, they are part of nature. Whatever is part of nature is easy to consume and absorb, for example meat. Not processed or overcooked meat, normal meat like Liver for example. Processed or overcooked kill almost all the nutrional value of it so whats the point?
Taking Vitamins to perform is like when a sick man gets his pills otherwise he will die. If you need supplements it means - as the word suggests - what you need nutrients because your diet is shιt and its not enough to provide you with what you need so you have to make up somehow with synthetic inferior products.
There is no point eating like a pig junk food and then getting "supplements". Not good in the long run. Revisit your diet, start from somewhere, i would suggest sv3rige/goatis on Youtube.
I am glad that someone made a post regarding this subject -vitamins/supplements- especially when i see lots of people here recommending vitamins against COVID.
Most of them if not all are toxic since they are synthetic and they most of them times do not really represent the real vitamin structure but they are lookalike compared to the real one while also they can't be really absorbed by the body easily/totally since they are... not the real deal but synthetic. The body does not really recognize them the way it would with the real one from the natural source.
I know what it would be convenient to just shallow 2-3 pills per day in a few seconds and cover all your needs but we are more complicated than that.
Humans at the end of the day are primal creatures who are guided by their senses which they do not control, by their body which works on its own to sustain them, they are part of nature. Whatever is part of nature is easy to consume and absorb, for example meat. Not processed or overcooked meat, normal meat like Liver for example. Processed or overcooked kill almost all the nutrional value of it so whats the point?
Taking Vitamins to perform is like when a sick man gets his pills otherwise he will die. If you need supplements it means - as the word suggests - what you need nutrients because your diet is shιt and its not enough to provide you with what you need so you have to make up somehow with synthetic inferior products.
There is no point eating like a pig junk food and then getting "supplements". Not good in the long run. Revisit your diet, start from somewhere, i would suggest sv3rige/goatis on Youtube.