Dad: grew up listening to coast 2 coast with this guy. Raised me on conspiracy theories, aliens, government cover ups and the Libertarian’s Fuck the Gov, fuck your laws, leave me alone attitude.
Mom: Practicing Naturopathic Dr. and retired certified midwife, “keep your laws off my body”, pharmaceuticals don’t cure they cause Illness, vibrational healing & homeopathy are the answer, had her 4 kids at home naturally, none of us were vaccinated for ANYTHING.
The Downfall: they are progressive “HIPPIES” and the hippie movement mainlined the TDR Kool-AID.
Both of my parents.
Dad: grew up listening to coast 2 coast with this guy. Raised me on conspiracy theories, aliens, government cover ups and the Libertarian’s Fuck the Gov, fuck your laws, leave me alone attitude.
Mom: Practicing Naturopathic Dr. and retired certified midwife, “keep your laws off my body”, pharmaceuticals don’t cure they cause Illness, vibrational healing & homeopathy are the answer, had her 4 kids at home naturally, none of us were vaccinated for ANYTHING.
The Downfall: they are progressive “HIPPIES” and the hippie movement mainlined the TDR Kool-AID.