These ideas come from the name stealers known as the Khazarians, who in turn created such upending ideologies such as communism, Marxism, and fascism. These ideologies were created for maximum societal disruption, and were used as weapons throughout history to infiltrate enemy territory on a societal level, and over many years, and sometimes decades, erode the very fabric of a given culture until the entire region succumbs to degeneracy and eventually starves themselves or allows their government to outright commit genocide upon them.
We see this today with the green agenda. The reason they are targeting farmers world wide is because that is currently the easiest point of weakness to cause maximum destruction. They are using the LGBT movement as a means of both cultural subversion, and also placation to keep the normies distracted from the reality that the ground beneath their feet is quite literally becoming unstable as their basic needs are at risk.
These ideas come from the name stealers known as the Khazarians, who in turn created such upending ideologies such as communism, Marxism, and fascism. These ideologies were created for maximum societal disruption, and were used as weapons throughout history to infiltrate enemy territory on a societal level, and over many years, and sometimes decades, erode the very fabric of a given culture until the entire region succumbs to degeneracy and eventually starves themselves or allows their government to outright commit genocide upon them.
We see this today with the green agenda. The reason they are targeting farmers world wide is because that is currently the easiest point of weakness to cause maximum destruction. They are using the LGBT movement as a means of both cultural subversion, and also placation to keep the normies distracted from the reality that the ground beneath their feet is quite literally becoming unstable as their basic needs are at risk.
No, they helped normalize it.