"While men and women remain bound by their church traditions, truth kept secret from the foundation of the world remains hidden to them. They read, but perceive nothing. Eyes they have, but they see not. Ears they have, but they hear not. Hearts they have, but they do not understand. Natural-minded men read of the “kings of the earth” and can only conceive of the outward and the literal. To them it bespeaks the actual kings, prime ministers, and presidents of the visible nations of earth. Though there is on one level a fulfillment in the outer world of appearance, the quickening of the spirit upon the truth so vital for God’s elect bids me look beyond the letter of the word, and receiving of the spirit of the word, and turning inwardly, we find that all that pertains to the kingdoms of this world lies within the heart of man, and there have been so many kings which have ruled within us, and as His kingdom unfurls its banner over our lives, these kings are subdued and brought to nought."
"There have been within all of us many usurping kings, possessed of the bestial spirit of this world, who are so very subtle, very powerful warriors, and very acute disputants. Each of us is like a huge, elaborate palace just full of these kings! Beloved! Examine yourself — do you not find this to be true? What mighty, powerful, persuasive, unwearied rulerships and dominions exercise their authorities within the courts of our souls and bodies, what strange, strong, and subtle reasonings are there? Insomuch that the old Adamic man carries all before him, and these lusts, these desires, these emotions, these imaginations, these reasonings, these habits, these religious inclinations, these compromises, these selfish and self-serving tendencies, these ruling kings of carnality bear away the day of it, and tread down all that stands in their way; by their false logic, their cunning sophistry, their deluding craftiness, and their powerful affection they run rough-shod over the voice of the spirit, over the word of God, over the ways of righteousness, and right over the revealed will of the Lord."
Larger study in the link:
"I do not hesitate to tell you that the sphere of His kingdom is the individual heart. God’s kingdom can never come in all the earth until it has been thoroughly inworked in each and every individual heart of man. It is impossible to have a reality corporately until it has been established in each member of the corporate body. There is no “mass miracle” by which the individual is somehow by-passed. Oh, no! This is the end for which man was made, the final cause of his creation, that he might be a province and principality of God: the King eternal septering him throughout his whole nature — spirit, soul, and body. When I pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven,” I do not feel that I am praying solely for my city, my nation, the world, or anything beyond. I do not think first or foremost about harlots, drunkards, drug addicts, criminals, atheists, Moslems, communists, Catholics, Protestants, or the masses of sinners and self-righteous religionists throughout the world. When I pray, “Thy kingdom come,” I am not content with adding to the thought my unpleasant neighbors, those who call me a heretic, or those in our government who I believe are leading our nation to hell. No! When I utter the prayer it is with the deep conviction that I am praying for myself. I am praying that God’s rule may come fully and powerfully in my own heart, mind, nature, and life. Each man and woman of the billions who have lived and died on this planet will be brought to pray that prayer in the same way and in the same spirit as I — and only then shall the kingdom come and God’s will be done in all the earth as it is in heaven! Oh, yes! The “kings of the earth” are within us!"