The last time I shared about this I had people questioning the legitimacy of Telegram and E, so I’ll preface it this time. E’s posts regularly get shared by both Jim and Ron Watkins. He’s mainly focused on Assange (perhaps as we all should be) but certainly not limited to that. I think E is also the only person I’ve seen directly influence Ron, and E at one point was also very much a suspect of actually being Q (I’m not saying he is, just that he seems to know things). (Here's a link to the same Tweet in the screenshot of the above Telegram post)
I’ll try to share some more interesting posts as well but here’s the one from the title of this post:
A few people have asked me about how one might protect against the CIA's "smart dust" program.
So I thought it helpful to clarify a few things:
- This tech, to my humble knowledge, has not yet actively been deployed beyond small scale tests in a handful of incidents (Havana Syndrome).
- This technology is absolutely being produced in Taiwan, the only place in the world with facilities capable of manufacturing on that size scale.
- That's why Pelosi is there.
- Theoretically, the only way to disable a dust sized microtransmitter would be a localized Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP), which would fry their circuitry because they are built with solid state electronic components. EMPs are also relatively safe for biological organisms to be around. You are not a solid state electronic device (although you do both generate and consume electricity in minute amounts).
He turned out to be aa fraud.