At what point does the attempt to fix things become futile? Young people (especially under 20 I would argue) are almost entirely lost.
The schools are full of trannies, leftists, communists, pedos and other filth and these creatures are spend more time with American children than their own parents do. But the parents themselves are just NPC's anyway.
Boomers are holding onto the system like their lives depend on it. Their children as just as dumb for the most part and their children's children are being taught by creatures dressed like demons about sex at 5 years old.
The bankers continue to pillage. The police state continues to grow and elections are a complete waste of time. I mean they reallllyyyyy are a waste of time.
Pelosi has enriched herself beyond comprehension without any consequence. That woman literally does what she wants day and night without anyone telling her otherwise. She's also now been branded a hero for standing up to China.
Trump is partying with that faggot Tucker laughing away and having a good time golfing or whatever else rich folks do while Joe Blow pays 20 dollars for a couple of chicken pieces.
Wall street is manipulating the market to the point where it's like they are daring anyone to fuck with them and everyone is in on it.
What are these white hats waiting for? To run through the "justice system"? We'll all be dead and our kids in gulags by the time that happens.
I thought the time for trials was over and it was gonna be swift and clean. What the fuck happened? Things are getting dumber and dumber regardless of a few "wins" they gave us in the SC.
And before you immediately get triggered and tell me "yoU'Re Not PAyiNG AtTenTIon". I'm not talking about your cryptic understanding of the situation. I'm talking about life on the ground and the power dynamics. The real power. Not the one we can't see behind the scenes.
Fill disclosure; I am exhausted and beginning to get really demoralized. I don't know.
I truly wish people on this board would SEEK God's wisdom as it pertains to what we're all experiencing these past few years. As smart and knowledgedable about so much that is going on in this world that this community is, I feel a lot people's talents are being wasted on these evil schemes that are taking place. If you (and I mean whoever reads this), put forth sincere study and prayerful requests for God's wisdom on where we're at and what's on the horizon, I believe this board would be much more valuable for mankind. You guys are truly brilliant with your deep investigative searches, analysis' and commentary. But I honestly believe most of us are missing the mark. There is no great awakening in the end times, except those that are martyred for their testimony for Jesus Christ. Only thing that we have coming is judgement and deception until that time comes. One of the most glaring signs that confirms this is the fact that all nations have been deceived by pharmakia (something that's never happened before in history). The only one that will get the glory for saving us is God Almighty, not Trump or any man. This thing is so big only one will get this victory and the world will know it. Until that time comes many, I'd argue most will be destroyed by sword, famine and pestilence. So many of us say we believe in Him, yet God says "so what, even Satan believes in Him". Does He know you and you Him? Do you serve Him and seek to do His will? Has He put His laws on your heart and made you a new creation? Man and I mean any man especially in these times cannot come before your Father who created you. He demands total loyalty over your politics, leaders, nations and even your flesh and blood. And if it comes to it, even your own life. Only way you find a way out of this mess is through Jesus of Nazareth. You must not be like Lot's wife and look back at this world, for it is fallen and there's nothing but death in it. There's a strong delusion that many will fall under in these times. Which tells me nothing is to be trusted, not white hats, patriot militias or even Trump. All we have is Jesus and He's more than enough. Give Him everything you have and He'll deliver you from this nightmare. So to answer the question the line that can't be crossed for each individual is this. Those who take the mark or worship the beast are damned for eternity (yes there's two separate people). So choose carefully who you serve and your fruits will show exactly who you serve. Aside from that we all have a chance to call upon His name and be saved. As far as America is concerned or the world for that matter, this thing is coming to a close and there ain't nothing left to hold on to. The King is coming I pray that you're ready.
Look at that. God indeed works in mysterious ways. I ask several questions in frustration, anger and exhaustion and a simple paragraph clears it up. You're right, this is what it is. Amen, brother.