Cigarettes had their claws in me for years, but the vapes have helped. How bad are they?
What about if you vape indoors? Does it damage stuff like cigs do?
Cigarettes had their claws in me for years, but the vapes have helped. How bad are they?
What about if you vape indoors? Does it damage stuff like cigs do?
I found it helpful for a couple years and was down to 0 nicotine, but the vaper died and was not made anymore, and I have not been able to find a suitable one again. Problems: leaking the fluid all over, the liquid gets a burned taste (even changing the burner) etc. etc. Cigarettes however work every time . . .
I am disgusted . . . vapers are made in China and not as user friendly as was the case when I first vaped. I thought the US would make a better alternative!