Do you realize that everything you buy with a credit card costs more than it would otherwise because of the extra fee that businesses have to pay? Local businesses here give me the option of paying cash and avoiding that extra charge, as they charge it separately so people can see how the cards are screwing people.
I choose not to participate. A "credit score" is irrelevant to me, as I will never use it.
So you pay extra for everything and think you're ahead. Yes, you are simple.
Do you realize that everything you buy with a credit card costs more than it would otherwise because of the extra fee that businesses have to pay? Local businesses here give me the option of paying cash and avoiding that extra charge, as they charge it separately so people can see how the cards are screwing people.
I choose not to participate. A "credit score" is irrelevant to me, as I will never use it.
So you pay extra for everything and think you're ahead. Yes, you are simple.