What a strange looking person. His shaved head, pointy ears, strong Romulan-like brow bone, gnarly teeth, and a body shaped like Shrek makes him look like an alien hybrid. And, have you seen him next to other people? Good Lord the man is huge - 6' 8" and 5' wide. He dresses in sloppy shorts and hoodies, has a weird voice and looks like an out of work bum. How does this man instill confidence??
These articles have some interesting commentary about him:
"At a towering six feet eight inches, sporting a goatee, a shaved head, and often a uniform of Carhartt and shorts, Fetterman is a physically striking candidate, particularly when he was juxtaposed against his main rival in the race, Lamb, the polished politician, typically seen with neatly combed hair and a crisp collared shirt."
What a strange looking person. His shaved head, pointy ears, strong Romulan-like brow bone, gnarly teeth, and a body shaped like Shrek makes him look like an alien hybrid. And, have you seen him next to other people? Good Lord the man is huge - 6' 8" and 5' wide. He dresses in sloppy shorts and hoodies, has a weird voice and looks like an out of work bum. How does this man instill confidence??
These articles have some interesting commentary about him:
"...no Photoshop or Auto-Tune has marred Fetterman’s doghair-festooned jacket, raggedy goatee or guttural voice."
Or this one:
"At a towering six feet eight inches, sporting a goatee, a shaved head, and often a uniform of Carhartt and shorts, Fetterman is a physically striking candidate, particularly when he was juxtaposed against his main rival in the race, Lamb, the polished politician, typically seen with neatly combed hair and a crisp collared shirt."
...is "merica a great place or what.....
Dude is a dirtbag.
That's the dude from Minions.
This is why I have to much respect for DJT. The man started with nothing.