Revelation 17:1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:
2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
"Horns, on the other hand, are the symbol of might, strength, and power. The beast carrying the harlot has seven heads of authority and ten horns of power! Seven and ten are both complete numbers. Seven is a sacred number in this respect, that it generally is used of the perfection of spiritual realities and the completeness of God’s purposes and kingdom. It denotes fullness in the things of God. In our text, however, it is used with a negative application, signifying the fullness of that authority which purports to be, claims to be, pretends to be the authority of Christ, but is in reality the fullness of the carnal mind usurping the place of Christ’s authority in the church!"
Much more in the link:
The woman is the Catholic Church.
The woman is in every church, except the perfected church of Jesus Christ, the process of removing Babylon is still gong on in God's people. If we make Babylon this sect or that sect, we fail to see it in ourselves.
Name one other church that has all the blood of the saints in it. Real people, really murdered, by a real harlot church.
And you are dishonoring the sacrifice they made for the Lord.
The true church is spiritual Andy, we're in all denominations and in no denominations, we follow Jesus Christ.
Revelation 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.
These are the sons of God, you should aspire to be of this camp, kings and priests......................
144,000 is not a literal number, it symbolizes a great number who follow the Lamb, 12 x12 has to do with government, we're governed by the king of heaven only,
The beast has nothing in that church andy, they have been beheaded, they no longer follow their own head, they suffer bloodshed from the carnal system, but they count it joy to be numbered with Christ.
Have a good weekend Andy!
The true church is spiritual Andy
The false church killed real Christians are you denying this?
These are the sons of God
The 144,000 are the Jewish remnant, 12 tribes times 12,000 people. It even tells you what tribes they come from. Your understanding of the Bible is nil.
The beast has nothing in that church andy, they have been beheaded, they no longer follow their own head, they suffer bloodshed from the carnal system, but they count it joy to be numbered with Christ.
They cry out from under the altar for vengeance.
Have a good weekend Andy!
You too.