The purging of the unvaxxed from the military isn't disinformation. This actually happened. If you know anyone in the military, just ask them. I had this confirmed to me by my neighbor who is an active drill instructor in the Navy. Something like 30% of the military was just kicked out for it, so there isn't a single active person you could ask who wouldn't have noticed that.
They made a choice to take it, some didn't and after winning lawsuits they are being brought back into service. The disinformation is regarding how many took it or not. The msm makes it out that the majority took it attempting to make our military look weak.
Is the military finally going to step in to ensure there is the semblance of a fair election?
The military that is purged of the non-compliant who didn't accept the jab?
Disinformation is necessary to look weak when one is really strong.
The purging of the unvaxxed from the military isn't disinformation. This actually happened. If you know anyone in the military, just ask them. I had this confirmed to me by my neighbor who is an active drill instructor in the Navy. Something like 30% of the military was just kicked out for it, so there isn't a single active person you could ask who wouldn't have noticed that.
I was discharged because I refused to get it, so yes it's real. I have no idea what these other commenters are talking about.
They made a choice to take it, some didn't and after winning lawsuits they are being brought back into service. The disinformation is regarding how many took it or not. The msm makes it out that the majority took it attempting to make our military look weak.