My favorite part of the article about why we should keep using antidepressants:
"Many commonly used medicines were used for decades before we understood their mechanisms of action: from aspirin to morphine to penicillin. Knowing they worked provided the impetus for establishing how they worked; and this knowledge generated new treatments."
Given that studies show that anti-depressants don't really work better than placebo, not as compelling argument as this statement would be for, IDK, Ivermectin?
Clown world. Links below.
Some folks apparently are having luck with a carnivore lifestyle and its benefits to people who, historically, were on SSRIs and other psych meds and couldn’t figure out why they weren’t helping longer-term. Actually, Dr Shawn Baker did an interview on this with someone who saw immense benefit once they decoupled from “standard American” foods. Will see if I can locate the link.
Thank you for mentioning this! I hesitated to say anything about it because people get funny about diet... Before anyone knocks it, try it. I thought it was crazy, but tried it anyways. Husband and I love how it makes us feel. Didn’t even consider what it would do for us mentally. Night and day. We find we are much happier, calmer and not so stressed out. It’s weird.