I like Candace, but have never been into her show. I watched this one. Although I was aware of a lot of the things she talked about. It was the connections and references she made, that makes the whole thing come together. Great show and I would encourage everyone to watch the whole thing, not just bits and parts.
Same here. I have an uncle and have had many gay/lesbian friends who are classy wonderful people. What I believe the problem is, is the promotion of “your special because…”. They take any group of people and make them “special” and tell all white people they are evil. Unless, of course, they qualify to belong to one of the special groups. It’s just segregation of human beings. Every gay person I knew, growing up, just wanted to be left alone and live their life.
Don’t know if I should say this on here…because it being YouTube and all, but there’s a channel on there called Washington Gun Law. I recently found it and it’s pretty good for fellow Washingtonians to check out.
Born and raised here and yeah the cities suck. Rest of the state is based. Seems to be how it is with most states.