I've been in the healthcare field and around school programs for 17 yrs. I've never heard of having to get a meningitis vax before. Typically it's tetanus, MMR and Hep B. They are all requiring the clot shot now, unless you find a way around it like myself!
looking at this from a 17-yr old viewpoint, they (and we) have never experienced ANYTHING like this desperate and despicable medical/pharm community...if you can't get exemption, for any/all reasons, then my suggestion would be to delay, delay, delay...as a young person, he hasn't experienced enough of life yet to make an educated decision (is there any such thing anymore)...i think one cave-in to medical demands will surely lead to another, and no stopping there...you're in a tough spot as a parent these days, but you ARE the parent nontheless...
I've been in the healthcare field and around school programs for 17 yrs. I've never heard of having to get a meningitis vax before. Typically it's tetanus, MMR and Hep B. They are all requiring the clot shot now, unless you find a way around it like myself!
I’ve been struggling with it since we got the letter last year. As mentioned I was prepared to sue the school when they were trying to require a covid shot for his internship. Here is the link. He will be in 12th grade. https://odh.ohio.gov/wps/wcm/connect/gov/9683ace0-573f-4ed3-b9d4-08d714d1fb85/School+Immunization+Summary+2019-2020.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE.Z18_M1HGGIK0N0JO00QO9DDDDM3000-9683ace0-573f-4ed3-b9d4-08d714d1fb85-mwJY3dO
looking at this from a 17-yr old viewpoint, they (and we) have never experienced ANYTHING like this desperate and despicable medical/pharm community...if you can't get exemption, for any/all reasons, then my suggestion would be to delay, delay, delay...as a young person, he hasn't experienced enough of life yet to make an educated decision (is there any such thing anymore)...i think one cave-in to medical demands will surely lead to another, and no stopping there...you're in a tough spot as a parent these days, but you ARE the parent nontheless...