posted ago by stop_the_tyranny ago by stop_the_tyranny +21 / -0

The United States has a storied history of success and prosperity that seemingly has disappeared in the last few decades. What if I told you that this may very well be intentional. As we run around chasing fires of culture, economics, and everything else, what is the cause of our woes?


No, not race. That's usually a red herring that distracts us from the real demographics that matter: adult male, adult female, and child. How each of these are influenced greatly affect the involved society.

In a basic sense, the natural societal narrative is thus: Women choose the men they prefer, the men seek to satisfy this need, children are made of this union, and society keeps churning. Legitimately patriarchal societies are a gray area depending on how they manifest, but that's an entirely different side tangent.

But what happens when the women prefer strong men and the strong men protect the women and children from bad actors with ill intent? You have to break the virtuous cycle somehow. This is what protected us.

So when the Civil War failed, and we kept churning, they had to try again, but how? First they just went for a straight coup. This was recorded in the decades prior to the Great Depression, but is rarely taught in schools anymore. That failed too.

Ok, so we use a Great Depression and general economic turmoil to strum up war not just in the United States, but EUROPE too. Enter World War I. Now the plan starts showing: make the good, strong men kill each other. Then what happens? The war ended too soon and now they're starting to recover AGAIN.

Well that won't do..Let's have ANOTHER world war. This time with extra violence and death of good men. We gotta REALLY hammer the hate on this one guys. Enter Hitler, who did exactly that.

So at this point, the "takeoff" of their plan worked, but they learned a thing or two along the way. To simplify the rest of this post, here's a general synopsis of what they did:

  • Remove the number of good men from society via multiple wars. WW1, WW2, Vietnam, etc. Intentionally pull at the heartstrings of strong, virtuous men about their patriotism and "standing up to evil" as they enter the meat grinders. Now you have disproportionately more weak or less virtuous men running around. The draft dodgers, the disabled, drug addicts, dishonorable discharges, etc.
  • Once the good men are dead or damaged, they will not serve their functional part of society afterwards. Now you target women, who were previously protected and "liberate" them. Make them hate the strong, virtuous men. This ensures that when good men start appearing, the women will not take them. This buys more time.
  • Now that the men and women are in check, you have to hold influence for about 20 years to fully indoctrinate one generation of children in the ways you desired. Start pushing a culture that is so far removed from the prior one that you won't even recognize it anymore. Think the 70s and 80s here. The idea is to hold this long enough that it normalizes among the masses and the original culture seems like a distant fairytale. Then demonize and mock it (rednecks hillbilly rural types, right?)
  • Finally, once you have the first "crop" of indoctrinated subjects, you start pushing them into positions of power to automatically push your agenda. Think 90's and 00's here. The silent march through institutions and cementing power structures in place.
  • The final stages are "slapping the collar on" to the remaining masses and stopping the return of "good men." The easiest way is to subsidize the members of society that contribute nothing but squawk loudly and attack those that would criticize their shortcomings. You see this with media, news, but also things like welfare.

The way this ultimately works is to remove good character from society using the fundamental mechanic of evolution. If good men are selected, then good men will prosper. If bad men as selected, bad men will prosper. This is why feminism appeared in force after the major world wars preaching division disguised as empowerment. This is also why heartless government officials try to appear as if they will ever replace good men in the lives of women.

The reason for welfare and gatekeeping with things like HR and ESG scores is to forcefully select the weakest of society so that they out-populate the good members.

The problem with this is that they keep having to exert inordinate amounts of time and energy to maintain such a society. This is likely why mass genocide called depopulation is coming up. They literally can't keep the system going and it will revert back. No bird can actively fly forever, after all.

A little proof? 9/11 of all things. For those that remember, everything was starting to get good again in this country. The bad things were going down and the good things were starting to bloom again. They missed their targets through the 60s to 80s and they had to "reset" and try again.

So TL;DR, what do we do? What we're already doing, but with a little more insight: Protect our children from groomers and rebuild the positive relationships between men and women. Support people of character and strength in positions of power. Once our character as a nation returns, so will our prosperity.