11 Monkey Pox (Shingles) in the bible...."It's going to be biblical." (media.communities.win) ✝️ Scripture 🕊️ posted 2 years ago by ApeGang 2 years ago by ApeGang +12 / -1 10 comments download share 10 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
This is leprosy, and it's in the future.
By the way, gay sex doesn't cause shingles. A latent smallpox virus does. We need to get our stories straight.
Herpes Zoster causes Shingles and it's due to a weakened immune system from the poison covid vax. Yes Monkey Pox is BS,,,derp. Get it straight.
Not you, but some of us are aping the gay sex cause. I know it's the vax
Ah I see. I'm at the point that I'm content to watch it all go down, as God's will. I told my doctor to go get his booster or else he's a massive let down to society and his profession. He didn't know what to say. lol.