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The income tax issue is both simple and complex. The former when you understand the nature of the commercial warfare system we're operating within, the latter when you don't.
One tack is to file a W-8 BEN form ( with your employer. However, they will likely give you pushback. Especially because they also have to file a similar form dealing with SS withholdings. You get into another level of complexity with each of your 7.5% contributions to SS. Most people simply aren't ready to try this step.
The core issue with income taxes deals with two things.
As many know, income tax is technically a "voluntary" tax. And most everybody also knows, if you choose not to pay them, you may find yourself paying exorbitant fines and/or doing a stint in the pen. So what gives?
The catch is, you have "volunteered" to be a "taxpayer" (title) by "volunteering" yourself to declare your political status as a "U.S. Citizen" or "US CITIZEN". An offer was made by the controlling forces, and you accepted.
The "Commercial Warfare" system (UCC) that we are all embroiled within is based on the simplicity of "contract law", that of "OFFER & ACCEPTANCE".
Within the commercial warfare system, created by the LEGAL (not LAWFUL) system, are millions of fictitious entities generated for the sole purpose of binding men and women within the matrix. An example of a "fictitious entity" would be a "corporation" (talking corpse/dead), like the IRS and Internal Revenue Service (two different corporations). A fictitious entity cannot bind a "real entity" from a LEGAL standpoint, it can only bind a fellow fictitious entity.
Another example of a fictitious entity would be your ALL CAPS NAME corporate/trust vehicle for interacting within the commercial warfare system (commerce). "JOHN QUINCY ADAMS", your "strawman", is not "you", nor is it "your name". "John Quincy Adams" is "your name". So the "MAN", John Quincy Adams" ...and here's a key word -> USES.... the commercial vessel "JOHN QUINCY ADAMS" to interact with and transact within the commercial warfare system.
It is impossible in today's day and age to completely untangle oneself from the commercial warfare system, presuming you have, at a minimum, a birth certificate which is the document used to create your strawman vessel.
Key in further understanding the deception, is that your strawman vessel, "JOHN QUINCY ADAMS", is not yours. It is THEIRS. They created it. They control it. Therefore they OWN it. But they allow you to USE it, so that you unwittingly bind yourself to the commercial warfare system they created -> COMMERCE.
When you turn 18 (age of majority), you become further bound by not recognizing the deception in play. You voluntarily ACCEPT the offer to be a "U.S. Citizen", which is another "fictitious entity" which strips all your natural, God-given (and Constitutional) rights, instead replacing them with "privileges and benefits" that are being OFFERED to you by the creators and controllers of the LEGAL COMMERCE system most are unwittingly aware they are operating under.
The fact that you had another choice is not PRESENTED to you at the time you accept the fictitious title "U.S. Citizen". In LEGAL terminology, the controllers failed to provide us with a proper PRESENTMENT regarding the hidden contract we were binding ourselves to. The other choice being the political status of "National" or "State National", which was the only political status for those born in one of the "United States" prior to the 14th Amendment - which created the "U.S. Citizen", ostensibly to grant a lesser status to the recently freed slaves.
There are many other fictional titles that come with being entangled in the commercial warfare system. To name but a few; Person, Resident, Citizen, Driver, Operator, Owner, Tenant, Joint Tenant, Litigant, Affiant, Defendant, Plaintiff, Petitioner --- and on the other side, additional fictional entities like; Judge, Counselor, Attorney, IRS agent, Bailiff, Clerk, etc.
Starting to get the picture? Men and Women are TEMPORARILY ACTING (Actors) in a FICTIONAL DRAMA (Commerce) as these various characters, or "personas" (Persons). Never in the realm of the LEGAL SYSTEM do any REAL ENTITIES exist. And said real entities are strictly and solely "men and women".
Wrapping your mind around this is the key to understanding. But after a lifetime of deception and brainwashing, it doesn't happen overnight. One needs to study and learn. You can't "get it" with one pass through material.
So back to income taxes. Scholars rightly point out that the Constitution is perfectly clear about stating that men and women's labor, resulting in "wages" SHALL NOT BE TAXED. So what gives then?
As with the UNLAWFUL CONVERSION of a man/woman (National) into a U.S. Citizen, several other conversions must take place. The "wages" of a man/women were converted into the "income" of the ALL CAPS NAME strawman fictional entity. And another "Title" was then offered to you. And said title is "TAXPAYER".
Congratulations, in the stroke of a pen, you have been UNLAWFULLY CONVERTED from being a man/woman who earns wages, into a taxpayer who has an income. And you willfully and voluntarily agreed to it all (because you were ignorant of the LAW of the LAND). Nobody had to coerce you. OFFER & ACCEPTANCE. You accepted their offer of your own free will.
So now you may think you know all this stuff after this brief treatment. If this is your first time hearing it, you're likely spittin' mad that you've been duped. A typical reaction. After you finally calm down and admire the sheer brilliance of what's been pulled off right under your nose, you're now faced with a decision.
Naturally, you've decided you're never going to pay income taxes again. You no longer agree that you're a "taxpayer", nor a "U.S. Citizen" and that you don't earn any income. Seems simple enough, eh?
Not so fast. The problem is, you've almost certainly got a history of paying taxes, and agreeing to being a "taxpayer". So what gives? Were you being honest then and lying now? Or vice versa?
Do you have a bank account? How about a SS card? A drivers license? A mortgage? A wide variety of other legal documents in your ALL CAPS STRAWMAN NAME? This will be a problem for you in front of a judge. As the preponderance of the evidence suggests you are indeed an active and willing slave on their plantation. You will be railroaded in a tax court (assuming you were smart enough to NOT hire an attorney, who is just another "actor" in the game of LEGAL FICTIONS).
You might think you can tell the judge that you figured out the trick and will no longer participate. Do you think the judge will agree with you that there's any trick? Fat chance. He might even order a psychiatric evaluation, have you locked up for observation, fill you up with some helpful pharma chemicals to stabilize your misfiring "brain chemistry".
Get the picture? This is a messy situation. The judge has several dozen ways to demonstrate you're bound to this system. If you are openly speaking with a judge in a tax court, you're guaranteed to lose. So many words have double meanings. What He means and what you think he means are rarely one and the same. And if you want a definition of every other word that comes out his mouth, it's a near certainty that the psyche eval will be issued.
So what are your options now that you know the deception?
As first mentioned, the W-8 BEN filing indicates that you are a "foreigner". That doesn't make much sense, right? What you probably don't understand is that the occupying force in the United States, since 1865, is indeed a foreign power (British Crown). Can you make that case to your employer? To your employers in-house council? To an IRS agent? To a tax court judge? Likely not if you haven't done extensive research on all the shenanigans that have gone on the past 160 years.
The simplest tack for the newbie is to add a larger number of dependents, such that your employer does not withhold any of your earned WAGES. If your HR manager has questions, try the "nunya" approach and reaffirm your request (because it's none of her business!!).
This will get you 75-85% of your currency back in your pocket. The 7.5% FICA withholdings will be lost however. And you can't get those without the W-8 BEN filing, so don't even try.
So let's say you do this. We all know your employer (an unwitting TAX COLLECTING AGENT for the IRS, working for free I might add) will submit your "income" details to the IRS. So eventually, the IRS is gonna come knocking at your door. What do do?
First, under no circumstances should you EVER have a CONVERSATION with an IRS agent. Request everything in writing. Next, in writing, ask them for their definition of a "TAXPAYER", where in the cfr (Code of Federal Regulations) there is a law stating that you, the man/woman, are a "taxpayer". Typically this letter will be ignored, followed by more demands to pay or discuss your "obligation" to them. You must be diligent with continuing the same tack, never ignoring the follow-up notices. Continue to ask for their PROOF that you are a taxpayer.
This tack has ostensibly been working for some people out there. The IRS eventually stops coming around, ignoring all your requests, no longer demanding payment. But will that last forever? What if your taxes are in the millions of dollars? Will they ignore you like the guy who only owes $10K? Nobody knows.
One of the biggest problems with "knowing for sure" what will work and what might not work is that cases and situations like these get scrubbed from the records. There is no such thing as an existing case we can all reference and know with relative certainty that "Just do what the guy in this case did and you'll be fine". The controllers don't want the serfs to learn this, obviously!
Another tack I've heard mentioned as being successful is that when the IRS demands payment, in writing, you respond back with something along the lines of: "If there is a man or woman that says I owe them money, please have them send me a certified letter stating their claim including their name and signature at the bottom of the letter".
Allegedly, they can't or won't ever do this. No man/woman will sign a letter stating such. So I've heard. One of the caveats I'll add to this method is that it comes from a man who has totally and completely figured out the legal system deception. He's "dangerous" to the system. As such, they have chosen to leave him alone. Would the same tack work for the average Joe and Jane trying the same tactic? I cannot say.
I'll also add that there's a guy that used to advertise on the Stew Peters show who, for a fee, will teach you how to avoid paying your income taxes with his system. He claims he hasn't been paying them for 20-30 years now. I know he offers a million dollar guarantee that if you do follow his system and still get taxed, he'll pay your obligation up to that amount. I don't know anything more about what he's doing except to suggest I would imagine he's using similar tactics as outlined above.
The bottom line is this; If you're too lazy to learn the ins and outs of what has been described above, you're likely going to get railroaded, one way or the other, when the tax collector comes a knockin'. There are just too many lies and deceptions we've all be indoctrinated into believing are "truths", coupled with all the semantic deceit embedded in "legalese". Net-Net, somebody who only knows the basic information provided here is not equipped to take on the system. And furthermore, engaging with a card-carrying BAR attorney ensures you'll lose, as they are FORCED to play within the rules of their system.
Excellent summarized post, I see someone has been in the bottomless pit deep dive.
Gracias. it is indeed a "bottomless pit"! :)