"God’s true church is not contaminated with the defiling pollutions of Mystery Babylon. There is a little flock, there is a body of Christ, its members are scattered abroad and almost invisible to the great religious Babylon. They are seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal, and they are the called and chosen and faithful who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. They are those who have turned to God in the spirit from all the religious idols, to serve the living and true God, and to wait for the glory that shall yet be revealed when God’s sons come into their own. They are those who have not the form, but the power of godliness, those who keep themselves unspotted from the world, and overcome all things by faith. Its ministers are not robed in material robes of scarlet and gold; they are robed in the righteousness of Christ. They are not trained in the seminaries and teachings of men, but by the spirit of grace and wisdom and revelation from God on High. They are not busy interpreting the creeds of the church councils of man; their very lives are the interpretation of the Christ enthroned in their hearts. They have no interest in persuading people to believe what they believe; their whole ministry is to bring people into intimacy of fellowship and vital union with God and His Christ."
Much more in the link:
Interesting Andy. All the names of the Old Testament had spiritual meaning, people and cities.
I follow Jesus Christ as taught by the Bible and the Holy Spirit, I'm just not sectarian Andy.
I'm not making money here Andy. Why do you put down your brothers and sisters as lazy and uneducated? What makes you think you know more about the Bible than others?
I'm 57 years old Andy, I was raised in the fundamentalist church, I've loved God and the Bible and the church since late teens, nobody in all my life has explained Revelation well until I Read Eby's writings on the book. That is 40 years of wandering in Babel.
You have changed the Revelation of mystery Babylon into a false world system. The Holy Spirit clearly meant to reveal it as a corrupt religious organization that manifests itself now as the catholic church. Your teaching obscures this truth and blinds others that may need to learn it.
Babylon is both, influences the world through religion.
All religious organizations, and sects in Christidom are the Babylon system, because they don't follow Jesus Christ, they follow their sectarianism. Don't focus on the Babel in orher sects, focus on the Babel in you, that is the message of Revelation.
I have no "Babel" in me. I take the words of God literally. Mystery Babylon is a system that thrives on "spiritualizing," and other types of mutilations, to make it say what feels good or makes them money. For instance, praying to a saint. Or a priest forgiving sins. Only way you can put these things in the Bible is by changing the words, which I refuse to do.
Babylon is spiritual Andy.