Be realistic. CavePeasant here is right - there's no reason for the established rhythm to suddenly change. In movie terms, we call that bad pacing, and y'all seem convinced we're watching a good movie.
Sometimes the best scene in a movie is when the characters are having a nice, calm moment sitting in a room and chatting before a helicopter suddenly and violently crashes in through the window spinning around like crazy while blowing everything up and nearly killing the main character. He of course gets away and wins in the end.
Point being, sometimes a surprise is in order and it can go from 0-100 real quick.
Also, people have thought this a million times before and they were wrong all of them. "Oh nothing will change quickly, everything is just going to keep on happening the way it has been since I've been around and if anything does change it will be slow and obvious". Next thing you know your entire government are all arrested in a coup orchestrated against them by the military à la Myanmar.
If it does turn out that this is one of the universe where Global Warming is actually happening, this will be a hilarious post in retrospect. Be careful, you don't want your hubris to land you in the wrong timeline.
Didn't even mention global warming (and you need your software updated it seems. It's called climate change now because they kept getting it wrong regarding global warming vs cooling). But nice subject change, guess you can't keep up with the pace of argument/discussion around here. Classic handshake.
Regardless, there's only one universe with one timeline. And it's God's. And global warming is a natural process controlled by the sun.
Find me more than 3% of climate scientists on the planet who think it isn't happening at all. You can't because 97% agree it is. The problem for you is that 50% of climate scientists think it's a natural process (they're right) while the other 50% think it can be influenced by man (might be right but not significantly enough to make a difference in the grand scheme of things).
And the happenings around the world regarding governments are a far cry different than climate change, regardless of man-made vs natural processes. In either case, we wouldn't just wake up one day with 20 feet higher oceans and 10+ degree temps worldwide. It would either happen slowly due to the natural process or man would have to do something to cause such a rapid increase in the speed of the process. In one case we could predict it over a long period of time, and in the other, we can predict it based on what was done in the world by man that caused the speed up. In the case of the military marching into DC tomorrow and executing every head of state... well there's no predicting that if they don't want anyone to know.
I am convinced amd I wouldnt use rhe actual movie making paradigm to assess it. This is an intelligence operation called a counter insurgency. It a movie because it's highly scripted like any operation is. The deviations are simply no plan with stands the start of operations. Once they gonkinetic you have to manage the variables. Always moving toward the goal.
Be realistic. CavePeasant here is right - there's no reason for the established rhythm to suddenly change. In movie terms, we call that bad pacing, and y'all seem convinced we're watching a good movie.
Sometimes the best scene in a movie is when the characters are having a nice, calm moment sitting in a room and chatting before a helicopter suddenly and violently crashes in through the window spinning around like crazy while blowing everything up and nearly killing the main character. He of course gets away and wins in the end.
Point being, sometimes a surprise is in order and it can go from 0-100 real quick.
Also, people have thought this a million times before and they were wrong all of them. "Oh nothing will change quickly, everything is just going to keep on happening the way it has been since I've been around and if anything does change it will be slow and obvious". Next thing you know your entire government are all arrested in a coup orchestrated against them by the military à la Myanmar.
If it does turn out that this is one of the universe where Global Warming is actually happening, this will be a hilarious post in retrospect. Be careful, you don't want your hubris to land you in the wrong timeline.
Didn't even mention global warming (and you need your software updated it seems. It's called climate change now because they kept getting it wrong regarding global warming vs cooling). But nice subject change, guess you can't keep up with the pace of argument/discussion around here. Classic handshake.
Regardless, there's only one universe with one timeline. And it's God's. And global warming is a natural process controlled by the sun.
Find me more than 3% of climate scientists on the planet who think it isn't happening at all. You can't because 97% agree it is. The problem for you is that 50% of climate scientists think it's a natural process (they're right) while the other 50% think it can be influenced by man (might be right but not significantly enough to make a difference in the grand scheme of things).
And the happenings around the world regarding governments are a far cry different than climate change, regardless of man-made vs natural processes. In either case, we wouldn't just wake up one day with 20 feet higher oceans and 10+ degree temps worldwide. It would either happen slowly due to the natural process or man would have to do something to cause such a rapid increase in the speed of the process. In one case we could predict it over a long period of time, and in the other, we can predict it based on what was done in the world by man that caused the speed up. In the case of the military marching into DC tomorrow and executing every head of state... well there's no predicting that if they don't want anyone to know.
Worse, there are charlatans left and right looking for angles for god fearing patriots to BELIEVE because they know we are inclined to.
We've been watching the previews ...
I am convinced amd I wouldnt use rhe actual movie making paradigm to assess it. This is an intelligence operation called a counter insurgency. It a movie because it's highly scripted like any operation is. The deviations are simply no plan with stands the start of operations. Once they gonkinetic you have to manage the variables. Always moving toward the goal.