I'm not much of a speculator on these things but the DS isn't just gonna raid Trump then come out with nothing and apologize.
I suspect some sort of Russian bank nonsense that or "communications" with a Russian billionaire during the time of his presidency to use that to formally charge him.
The Russia collusion hoax is like dealing with your stubborn friend who makes a statement, obviously a lie, but will never back down from it. Even if proven wrong repeatedly, factually and irrefutably. He will just pivot and say he wasn't wrong.
The difference being the DS has to make this stick. Because their NPC followers are gleaming right now just waiting for the charges.
IMO, they will charge him with a crime and make it as public as possible.
The divide in this country is pretty much set in stone. The on the fence normies don't give a fuck either way and they will move with the tide even if the tide is full blown in your face authoritarianism and not the underhanded shit we have today.
There is no way they go this far, move into unprecedented territory and walk it back into a nothing burger.
All this while they try to pop him.
If they could fabricate evidence, don't you think they would have done it by now? The best "evidence" they've had for the past six years is Schumer and Schiff screaming "I have evidence" and never providing it to anyone.
They weren't as desperate. Take that into account. Like a rabid dog with nowhere to go.