Nothing shakes them-
Epstein and his association with the highest levels of government, celebrity, business and the end meant nothing to them
Getting raped over and over by crooked politicians...nothing
The police state grows...nothing
Economic collapse...nothing as long as they can watch netflix and eat a pizza with beers
Open borders....nothing
QR code and being treated like actual cattle....full blown acceptance
We are now at a stage where their children are being taught, entertained and brainwashed by actual pedophiles, some dressed as demons, others just promoting pedophilia and communism....absolutely nothing for the majority
What are these creatures? Are These human beings? NPC's?
We're at a level of disbelief here...and nothing.
Can’t and won’t admit when they are wrong. To smart to be wrong. Egotistical shit heads
Yeah. The more formal education they have the smarter they think they are. They are not just ignorant, they are arrogant and ignorant which is impossible to work with. Not individuals. Completely incapable of thinking for themselves. Can not be reasoned with. Entirely under the control of complete idiots! When you try to explain anything I hear “everybody else says...”