Theory, Declass release Soon 🤔💭 Theory 😲💡
posted ago by Yohan_Galt ago by Yohan_Galt +16 / -0

I believe the FBI raid on Trump's residence was a trap by the white hats. I also believe whatever the FBI took is damaging info on a long list of Deep State entities/people. These documents most of which have already been declassified but not released by the current administration for obvious reasons.

The FBI/DOJ (probably under white hat control at this point), is in an unwinnable position. They release the information to the courts and then all hell breaks loose or they hide the information, seal, burn. Which doesn't matter, the military has it all. These are the final loose ends of cleaning out the SWAMP within the DOJ, State departments, and FBI (the CIA was dismantled/neutered a long time ago).

How this information reaches the eyes of the world is the part we are unsure of but very ready to see.


I am completely wrong and they just recovered 16 boxes filled with pictures of Hunter smoking crack.

Love to hear other thoughts / theories from my fellow pedes.