A lot of you are freaking out over the hiring of new revenue agents, and using lethal force, etc. But when you break this down into bite size pieces, its all a giant joke. Heres why:
They want to hire 87k new agents. Ok. Cool. Where are these people going to come from? If you have ever applied for a gov job, it is a mfing ORDEAL. You are interviewed 300 times, your family, neighbors are all interviewed, you have to do a polygraph, tons of background checks, etc. They will NEVER get 87k people, I would go so far that they aren't even going to get 10k. Take out the people with criminal records, take out the people that have a less than stellar reputation, take out retirees that are in no way shape or form working 50 hours a week, they aren't going to get a FRACTION of what they need.
They actually made it a point to put "deadly force" in the job description. LOL. That is to try and scare you into doing something. No one puts that in a job description. Not the cops, the KGB, no one. That is not a desirable feature to a job, and most places avoid referencing that.
Shits and giggles: Lets say they DO accomplish all this. What are they going to audit? for 99% of people, their taxes are just a w2 or a 1099, MAYBE self employed income, and guess what? Most people, who have complex tax situations, have a CPA do their taxes. Even now, when someone gets audited, its over before it even begins. You call your cpa, they deal with your CPA, your CPA tells you if they screwed up, you pay difference. Most tax returns are so simple, you can't screw it up. They are going to go after your grandma and grandpa earning 50k a year off social security? They are probably going to try and go after business owners, but even then, if you have a CPA do your taxes (most do), its on the CPA not you.
Take it another step forward: they start auditing EVERYONE. The system is going to get so bogged down in bullshit, nothing will get done, appeals will start flying, and eventually, there is going to be an EPA moment when the SCOTUS will have to decide if they can "interpret" tax law at all.
Conclusion/Theory: This is a huge nothing burger, its designed to piss off a certain subset of people to get them to do something.
The mandate was another example of this. There were about 800 different ways courts could rule it was unconstitutional, and yet they used ... OSHA ... to implement it. Thats one of the weakest ways they could have done it. They knew it was never going to work, it was just a scare tactic. There were so many ways it would fall on its face, but they publicized it and pushed it and scared the shit out of ppl.
Then the "ministry of truth" happened. It had 0 teeth, it couldn't do anything, and even if it did, that would go up to the supreme court faster than you can say truinallizazzlepressure.
Now this. Its all a joke. The fact that they have to resort to this is the biggest chunk of hopium you could ever have. It means they don't have anything else they can do.
Your points are well taken and I agree with everything you said, but...
If you add 87,000 new revenue agents to the existing number, it's more than the total number of National Guardsmen available. Now add that to the thousands of Afghanistans Biden shipped here, before evacuating Americans, and now you have a formidable army.
Remember that the IRS is not a legitimate branch, agency, or department of the US government. It is a privately owned, chartered in the City of London, collection agency for the the Federal Reserve, again, not a legitimate branch, agency, or department of the US government. It is a privately owned banking institution chartered in the City of London.
And to your point about the job description including "use of deadly force," what better way to attract a large group of psychopaths and sociopaths who just want to kill people and break things. And because they were hired by the IRS they'll claim they were just following orders.
Also remember that it was Obama who started buying massive amounts of weapons and ammunition for the IRS, the Department of the Interior, and many other government agencies that based on the law that created them, and their own charters, will never be called to, or expected to act as a police force for civil order. So why have all these agencies and departments been weaponized?
You're right that this is meant to create fear in people, as it should. But as you outlined so eloquently, this would never work, in practice, to enhance the IRSs ability to collect tax revenues. But adding 87,000 armed agents to the number of other agencies staff that also have weapons, and, more importantly, are not under the direction of any US military, is very very dangerous.
I don't disagree with anything you said. I will take you at your word w the Natl Guard as i dont have those numbers. I know they have been gathering ammo and weapons, probably will have some kind of "trigger" event to deploy them in some way shape or form.
But constitutionally, the natl guard supersedes them in more than a few ways. Not worried about whatever they are going to do. Grab the popcorn.