The position with regard to space aliens seems to be getting clearer as more research is done. Clif even started learning the language and has plowed through a lot of Jewish old scriptures etc. So many ordinary people researching themselves along with scholars theologians rabbis professors now the tide has turned
Very relieved to know we are not from the space aliens..
you would think any being capable of using technology to live thousands of years (but perhaps only on their planet from what clifs research has found)) would have developed the right side of their brain..empathy compassion etc but perhaps they don't have a right side according to the behaviour they exhibit in the bible and other books scrolls tablets etc
Very relieved to know we are not from the space aliens..
you would think any being capable of using technology to live thousands of years (but perhaps only on their planet from what clifs research has found)) would have developed the right side of their brain..empathy compassion etc but perhaps they don't have a right side according to the behaviour they exhibit in the bible and other books scrolls tablets etc
...defiantly food for thought.....